Living in Abundance: Moving Your Thoughts Towards Prosperity
When moving towards a life of abundance, one of the biggest obstacles you will face is your thoughts. The human brain is constantly scanning for dangers in your environment. This is a protective factor, equipping you for the difficulties of life. Thankfully, most of the risks identified by the brain never happen in real life. However, this constant scanning results in a heightened state of anxiety and a life of fear.
This state of fear, plus the sensationalism of modern media, further intensifies your anxiety. You live in a world that is continually reporting on the propensity of financial depression, economic stagnation, and governmental failures. It seems every media report is about the potential collapse of societal systems.
There is an alternative to this constant state of fear and scarcity. When you look to God as your sustenance and supply; these systems of fear and lack no longer impact you. However, to live in this new state of abundance, you must change your thoughts and how you spiritually see the world.